Create Healthy Diet


Keeping your body healthy in order to stay slim while was not too difficult.All this can be realized only by implementing the right lifestyle. Patty James, a certified chef in Sebastopol, California and also co-author of "More vegetables Please ', tells you how to have a better diet and healthier.

  1. Vegetarian lifestyle. Got a courtyard? Why do not you use to create a vegetable garden. It will be healthy. In addition to gardening activity can help relieve stress, you can also enjoy fresh vegetables from the garden itself. Spend 30 minutes, twice a week for cutting fresh vegetables and serve vegetables at any time.
  2. Intelligent enjoy alcoholic beverages. Celebrating this special day with consumption of alcohol, is fine. But, remember not to overdo it. In addition, avoid drinking alcohol when stomachs were empty. This will react strongly in your stomach and burn vitamin B.
  3. Create a low-calorie cake. Your hobby snacking? Next time if you bake cookies or cake, replace half the butter that you use with apple sauce, pumpkin or prune. Besides low-fat, also contains more nutrients.
  4. Pamper yourself with fruit. Make sure you always provide a stock of seasonal fruits in your refrigerator. Eat every time you feel hungry or when you have a problem with tooth sweets.
  5. Add green beans in the menu. While cooking soup, do not forget to include beans. In addition to delicious, green beans can also provide additional nutrients.
  6. Refresh the day with lemon water. Start your day by eating a glass of fresh lemon water, which comes from 1 / 2 - 1 piece of lemon juice that has been in with the water. In addition to fresh, your liver will love this drink.
  7. Select the best salt. When cooking, use sea salt instead of salt that has been processed, the more you find in grocery stores.
  8. Optimize life with green vegetables. / Create more green vegetables in your life. Some types of the best greens you can choose between, kale, radish spinach, and so forth. Steam the greens for a few minutes, drain and set aside. Saute a few cloves of shallot, garlic and shitake mushrooms in a skillet that has been filled in olive oil for several minutes. Enter the kale, stir again and serve.
  9. Tuck the day vegetarian agenda. On at least choose one day a week as meat-free day.
  10. Eating raw vegetables. Like with vegetables? From now on you get used to eating raw vegetables every day. Raw vegetables contain enzymes that are essential for the body, which if processed and cooked it has a function to be lost.
  11. Do it yourself. Make your own vinaigrette (fresh sour sauce nodes) for your fresh vegetable salad. How, provide Olive or flax oil, lemon juice or vinegar, a little Dijon mustard, 1 clove minced garlic and a little salt and pepper.
  12. Add color to your diet. Different colors, the different foods that contain nutrients. Therefore, eat a variety of foods with different kinds of colors. For example, red peppers, carrots, green kale, etc.
  13. Vary your diet. If you eat burgers these days, then you should not eat the same food (burgers) for 4 days. Look for other meal replacement.
  14. Plan ahead. Take your time, when you're off work to compile a list of foods will you eat for one week.

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