Obesity Health Risks


When it comes to nutrition, it's easy to spend a lot of time worrying about what to eat. But how much you eat puts as much of a stamp on your long-term health as picking the right kind of fat or choosing the right mix of vitamins.

How much you weigh (in relation to your height), your waist size, and how much weight you've gained since your mid-20s strongly influence your chances of:

•dying early,
•having, or dying from, a heart attack, stroke, or other type of cardiovascular disease,
•developing diabetes,
•developing cancer of the colon, kidney, breast, or endometrium,
•having arthritis,
•developing gallstones,
•being infertile,
•developing asthma as an adult,
•snoring or suffering from sleep apnea,
•developing cataracts, or
•having a poorer quality of life.
Although researchers are quibbling about just how many people die each year as a direct cause of excess weight and what it costs our health-care system, excess weight takes an enormous toll—all the more worrisome, given that we are in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

If your weight is in the healthy range and isn't more than 10 pounds over what you weighed when you turned 21, great. Keeping it there—and keeping it steady—by watching what you eat and exercising will limit your risk of developing one or more of the chronic conditions noted above. If you are overweight, doing whatever you can to prevent gaining more weight is a critical first step. Then, when you're ready, shedding some pounds and keeping them off will be important steps to better health.

What's a Healthy Weight? Body Mass Index (BMI) Defined

Although nutrition experts still debate the precise limits of what constitutes a healthy weight, there's a good working definition based on the ratio of weight to height. This ratio, called the body mass index (or BMI for short), takes into account the fact that taller people have more tissue than shorter people, and so tend to weigh more.

Dozens of studies that have included more than a million adults have shown that a body mass index above 25 increases the chances of dying early, mainly from heart disease or cancer, and that a body mass index above 30 dramatically increases the chances. Based on this consistent evidence, a healthy weight is one that equates with a body mass index less than 25. By convention, overweight is defined as a body mass index of 25 to 29.9, and obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30 or higher.

Nothing magical happens when you cross from 24.9 to 25 or from 29.9 to 30. These are just convenient reference points. Instead, the chances of developing a weight-related health problems increases across the range of weights.

Muscle and bone are more dense than fat, so an athlete or muscular person may have a high body mass index, but not be fat. It's this very thing that makes weight gain during adulthood such an important determinant of weight-related health—few adults add muscle and bone after their early twenties, so nearly all that added weight is fat.

HARVARD - School of Public Health

Abdominal Fat Health Risks


Some research suggests that not all fat is created equal. Fat that accumulates around the waist and chest (what's called abdominal obesity or abdominal adiposity) may be more dangerous for long-term health than fat that accumulates around the hips and thighs. (1)

Some studies suggest that abdominal fat plays a role in the development of insulin resistance and inflammation, an overactivity of the immune system that has been implicated in heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. It's also possible, of course, that abdominal fat isn't worse than fat around the hips or thighs, but instead is a signal of overall body-fat accumulation that weight alone just doesn't capture.

In people who are not overweight, waist size may be an even more telling warning sign of increased health risks than BMI. (2) The Nurses' Health Study, for example, looked at the relationship between waist size and death from heart disease, cancer, or any cause in middle-aged women. At the start of the study, all 44,000 study volunteers were healthy, and all of them measured their waist size and hip size.
After 16 years, women who had reported the highest waist sizes—35 inches or higher—had nearly double the risk of dying from heart disease, compared to women who had reported the lowest waist sizes (less than 28 inches). Women in the group with the largest waists had a similarly high risk of death from cancer or any cause, compared with women with the smallest waists.
The risks increased steadily with every added inch around the waist. And even women at a "normal weight"—BMI less than 25—were at a higher risk, if they were carrying more of that weight around their waist: Normal-weight women with a waist of 35 inches or higher had three times the risk of death from heart disease, compared to normal-weight women whose waists were smaller than 35 inches.
The Shanghai Women's Health study found a similar relationship between abdominal fatness and risk of death from any cause in normal-weight women. (3)

Measuring your waist is easy, if you know exactly where your waist really is. Wrap a flexible measuring tape around your midsection where the sides of your waist are the narrowest. This is usually even with your navel. Make sure you keep the tape parallel to the floor.

An expert panel convened by the National Institutes of Health concluded that a waist larger than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women increases the chances of developing heart disease, cancer, or other chronic diseases. (4) Although these are a bit generous, (5) they are useful benchmarks.

Waist size is a simple, useful measurement because abdominal muscle can be replaced by fat with age, even though weight may remain the same. So increasing waist size can serve as a warning that you ought to take a look at how much you are eating and exercising.

HARVARD - School of Public Health

Weight Loss Motivation


"The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,Were toiling upward in the night."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In order to take advantage of losing weight and being successful, you must be prepared to pay your dues.
Nothing is more frustrating than to see that you are gaining weight again.
Be in a position to benefit from your failure. It pays to be prepared, and that comes down to plain, hard work. It's not usually glamorous. It's not always exciting. It's not always fun. It is, however, always necessary.
By being prepared, you have to create a game plan to get back on track right away without beating yourself up and devastating your self-esteem.
My recommended game plan is taking it a bite at a time. What's yours? Maybe it's taking it a day at a time, going back to your diet tomorrow. Maybe it's getting angry and becoming more determined then ever to succeed.
Have you ever been at a Weight Watchers or TOPS meeting and noticed several people there who are slim and trim? What about those Jenny Craig and Nutri/System ads with their before and after pictures? They make losing weight look so effortless, but remember, in reality, these people have been dieting for years.
Without effort and action, you will not succeed.

You can't wish your weight away. You have to work at it and be prepared for those times when you slip, so you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on.
Losing weight demands preparation, effort and commitment to come to fruition. And it requires the right information towards a realistic and optimized healthy lifestyle than can guarantee you a slim body permanently.

Weight Loss Program Facts
Weight loss program facts are generally difficult to find.. There are all kinds of different weight loss program out there and a new program comes out almost every day.
As a result, weight loss which otherwise should be a relatively simple task is made very complicated..

I present here several popular weight loss program reviews and the pros and cons attached with them. Then I present a few things that you should look for in a good weight loss program.

Please use the links on the left to learn more about a particular weight loss program. For lots of free weight loss information, secrets and plans, use the 'Back To Homepage' link.

Weight Loss Program : Low Fat Diet
A low fat weight loss program recommends low fat or no fat foods. The underlying principle behind this diet is that reducing fat intake coupled with regular exercise results in lasting weight loss.
Pros & Cons For This Weight Loss Program

This weight loss program can be very effective if properly produced or administered by a good weight loss expert and results in steady and long term weight loss.
Unfortunately most low fat programs in the market reduce fat consumption to such a level that it becomes harmful for health. Some varieties recommend a very high consumption of carbs which is not good. Also, often with this kind of program, fat loss is very slow because of the un-optimized diet menus.

I stress again that low fat diet is generally the best way to lose weight. The drawbacks outlined are of the incorrect manners in which this diet is presented rather than of the diet itself.

Weight Loss Program : High Protein Diet
This kind of weight loss program requires you to consume high protein, low carb foods. This program claims that carbohydrates make us fat and reducing its consumption leads to fat loss.

Pros & Cons For This Weight Loss Program
This weight loss diet usually leads to quite a rapid weight loss initially but isn't very effective in the long run. Also, this kind of diet leads to a steadying of blood sugar levels which is healthy.

On the other hand, this weight loss program generally encourages over-consumption of saturated fats which increases the risk of heart disease.
Also the rapid burning of fatty acids due to the absence of sufficient carbs makes kidneys work overtime and may lead to serious health problems. This kind of weight loss program should better be avoided as it poses serious health threats.

7 Solutions Diet


Surely there is something wrong if weight loss efforts that you do not also bring results. These errors must be caused by various things. For instance, according to a poll conducted by Weight Watchers International Inc.. and the American Dietetic Association, 90% of women in the United States think they have done a healthy diet. Yet, in reality, only 1% had been dieting correctly. The rest? Guess for yourself!
Here are some reasons why your efforts to lose weight never succeed.
Consider also the solution.
1. Excessive fat consumption
Indeed, foods that contain fat even more delicious. No wonder if it is hard to limit fat consumption to 30% of the total fat is needed every day. most people consume fat the body needs every day, even more. In fact, research has shown that the more fat consumed, the less you absorb other nutrients. Consequently, you overeat. Your weight also increased.
In general, the less you process the food, the lower the fat content in the body. Eat a baked potato instead of french fries or potato chips, for example. Or better eating wheat bread instead of croissants. If you like to eat a salad, use mayonnaise or salad dressings are low in fat. Limit your intake of sweet foods rich in fat once a week. Read labels on packaged foods carefully. And when you buy canned food, choose a fat content not more than 3 grams per 100 calories.

2. Never or rarely breakfast
You avoid breakfast because of fear of fat or wanting to lose weight? If yes, you're wrong strategy. Breakfast can actually lose weight. The reason, with breakfast, you will not 'steal' food when dieting. Moreover, skipping breakfast is tantamount to making the body starve. As a result, during lunch or afternoon the greater your appetite. It would be even worse if you consume foods high in fat. Besides making your balance is reduced, with breakfast, you can better concentrate at work.

Get used to breakfast. Working with an empty stomach will make it difficult to concentrate. However, avoid sweet food. This type of food can make you feel full, but also can make you drowsy. To control appetite, choose a balanced breakfast with carbohydrate composition. While the fiber-rich foods, like vegetables, fruits, and cereals, can stabilize blood sugar, so you feel full.

3. Never recorded
Most people do not really see the importance of efforts to record every food they consume and when they eat. Both the amount of healthy foods, like vegetables and fruit, and far from healthy predicate.

Keep a diet diary, which is a record of your food intake daily. With a diet diary, you'll be more careful every time you want to enter a food into your mouth. You see, you must write it in your notes. Diary will also help you discover a situation that triggers you to eat too much and lead you to distinguish between conscious and eat meals with lust.

4. Less fiber
Compared to eating fruit and vegetables, you may prefer to eat cake, pastries and donuts were added fat, sugar, salt, and possibly additives. In fact, foods derived from wheat flour is one source of fat | enuh most in your diet.

You may substitute white bread, noodles, bread or cake with wheat, cereals, or pasta. In order to taste more delicious., You can mix the cereal with fresh fruit or whole wheat bread with slices of chicken breast meat and vegetables. If you like to snack, try to replace sweets with fresh fruits.

5. Sugar addiction
Almost all people like sugar because it tastes sweet. That is why sugar was never absent from the dinner table or kitchen every household in Indonesia. Sweet taste is an important parameter that affects the level of consumer preference towards a product. No bans, healthy foods such as yogurt and oatmeal variety of flavor it also contains a lot of sugar.

Do not get used to eating sweet cake as dessert. Make snacks such as special food that exists only on weekends. Read labels to restrict the foods that list sugar as one of the main ingredients of its products. So is the food that contains some | enis sugar, such as sucrose or glucose. Reduce consumption of foods that claim to be a healthy food that actually contains a lot of sugar. Reduce or even, avoid soft drinks. Replace with soft drinks with no sugar.

6. Less eating nuts and legumes
Legumes, such as soybeans, red beans, green beans, and lentils, is the type of foods low in fat, filling, rich in fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Likewise with nuts such as peanuts and cashew nuts. These foods contain many nutrients that are very good for women. But, unfortunately many legumes consumed only in small quantities.

Add servings of legumes and nuts. Do it gradually, more or less for a week, to allow the body to adjust to the change of adding fiber to your diet. If a bit lazy to cook, you can buy ready to eat nuts. Importantly, note the levels of sodium, salt, and food processing. In order not to get bored, you can meraciknya into various foods, for example, salad, soup, gado-gado, or green bean porridge.

7. Consumption of calcium
Surely you already know the importance of eating foods high in calcium for maintaining healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis. Not only that, from a new study conducted by Creighton University Osteoporosis Research Center in Nebraska, the United States found that consuming foods rich in calcium is most likely related to the low incidence of overweight by 70%. Unfortunately, there are many women who consume less calcium foods and beverages. Many are replacing it with the cheese and instead of high fat, with reason do not like.

Drink at least two glasses of low fat milk every day. That way, you have 'save' your bones, as well as get a delicious taste and nutritional adequacy and 'pegganjal' stomachs are low in calories, but, if you do not like (or can not) drink plain milk, try soy milk which is fortified by calcium, or salmon, low-fat cheese. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can choose dairy products are lactose free. Still not enough? Drink calcium supplements.

5 Test Before Diet



RUNNING diet is not just restrict certain foods. Your overall health should also be considered. Some of the tests you need to go through to find out if you may go on a diet or not.
You probably already know many ways to diet. In fact, you probably tried it once too. Failed or the success? Doing any diet, for the sake of your goal (slimming, health, or belief, it does not hurt.
The important thing, your health is not disturbed. Therefore, before doing a diet, you should consult a nutrition specialist first.
There are some tests you can live for that purpose. The test is also needed by you that now are doing a particular dietary pattern.
The result of this test will show your medical condition, if your excess or deficiency of certain nutrients. Thus, we can determine whether you can run, forward, replace , or even stop your diet.
Examination of lipid (fat)

Detection of heart disease risk
Why needed: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, inactivity, poor nutrition, obesity, and diabetes are risk factors for heart disease. Yoyo syndrome (weight up and down) can reduce levels of HDL (cholesterol 'good'), thus increasing the risk of heart disease.
This lipid examination will measure the levels of HDL, LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and triglycerides.
According to the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood of the United States, in each deciliter of blood, LDL levels should be less than 130 mg, HDL levels over 55 mg, and triglycerides less than 250 mg.
Examination of hemoglobin was glikosiasi (HbA1c)

Detection of type 2 diabetes
Why needed: According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive & Kidney Diseases United States, approximately 5.4 million people do not know they have diabetes.
This examination is required if your blood pressure is 40/90 or better, your body weight exceeds 20% of your ideal weight, your body mass index 27 or more, or you are aged 45 years or more. According to experts in the field of nutrition, they do suggest the examination of this hemoglobin than fasting blood glucose checks, because it describes the blood sugar levels. Thus, it will reduce the possibility of inaccurate results.
Examination of timid function

Detection of thyroid dysfunction
Why needed: Especially needed for those who want to gain weight. Fatigue, weight gain, and muscle pains indicate the occurrence of hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function).
While weight-loss heart palpitations, and anxiety showed hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function). Examination should be done every year (or every three months if you experience certain symptoms) will measure levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroxine, and triiodotironin.
Changes in levels of one of the three indicates the existence of a problem. Once hypothyroidism is resolved will lose weight easily. However, being overweight is not always the result of hormonal imbalance.
Examination of kidney function

Detection of blood urea and creatinine
Why needed: This test can measure a decrease in kidney function where there are elevated levels of urea and creatinine in blood. When this happens, you should limit your intake of protein, so as not to aggravate the kidneys work.

Detection of blood uric acid levels
Why needed: low-calorie diet usually will increase levels of uric acid in the blood. Levels are already high prior to getting higher, if you run this diet. High uric acid levels can lead to gout and kidney stones.

Fighting Obesity Vegetables


IF you include people who are not anti-vegetable, be grateful! Various studies prove that vegetables contain potent compounds that can increase endurance, protects you from disease and 'fight' obesity. Furthermore, phytochemicals, substances found only in vegetables and fruits, powerful lower the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Habits of eating vegetables does not come naturally to everyone. The original flavor of vegetables is not as good as meat, "If not
cooked with a delicious seasoning or sauce, the taste of vegetables is less tempting. In addition, many people who do not like to eat vegetables because it is not accustomed to childhood." Most children who do not like to eat vegetable is the mother worked or not painstaking 'serve' her child, "even only 20% of children who ate fruits and vegetables in sufficient portion of each day. And 25% of the type of vegetables are eaten by them are french fries If you include people who lazy or even less likely to eat vegetables, maybe a little trick can help you to meet the needs of the intake of vegetables each day. Nothing wrong, right, try!

Find what you like
Luckily we live in a tropical country that is rich in various plants. Yes, you can easily find the type of vegetables are preferred. To get it you need to arouse curiosity and your adventurous spirit. And most important is the willingness to experiment. Included will be experimenting processing methods. Because vegetables are processed by boiling, pan-fried, cooked in a microwave or eaten raw will give a different taste and texture. How to cultivate the right equipment must be considered. For example, the vegetables should be
cooked in quick time, as you often see in Chinese food restaurants. "If cooked quickly, the color will remain green vegetables. Moreover, if too long, contain vitamins and minerals will be reduced

You can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, like lettuce, tomatoes, beets, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. Besides vegetables.

Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?
There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the energy, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange for all these processes occur must have vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances that can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the number was only a little.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. Besides low calories and low in fat, fiber in vegetables can satiate the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating defecation.

Serve with a draw
How interesting presentation and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume a raw vegetable or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. With cut into smaller sizes or mixed with other foodstuffs, vegetables will be more nice views. Moreover, when eating soup,
you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you do not have to look straight vegetable because the dough is wrapped closed.

Allow plus fruit
A lot of nutrition in the vegetables was also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can become a sizable business. But because the number of fibers lost in processing juice, it is not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, pay attention
to the variations in type and color of the fruit that you eat. Each type and color has its own advantages

Role Proteins Body


Proteins are the largest component in the human body after water.
The amount is 1 / 6 of the weight of the human body, and scattered in the muscle, bone, skin, and various body fluids.

Functions for the body
Proteins are needed by the body as a substance builder, regulator and fuel.
Builder substances, the protein is a new network-forming materials in the body.
Regulating substances, protein helps maintain the various systems in the body.
Fuel, the protein will be burned when the body's energy needs can not be met by carbohydrate and fat.

Different needs

Adequacy of protein each person is different.
Depending on several factors, namely body weight, age, gender, and amount of tissue that is still active.

The greater a person's body weight and weight, the more active tissue, so more protein is needed to sustain or maintain these networks.

Source protein
Protein needs can be met from two sources of food, ie animal and vegetable protein.
The best source of animal protein is mammalian meat, poultry, and fish of the sea.

While the best source of vegetable protein include beans.

Along with the development of technology, have now developed a new protein source known as non-conventional protein; leaf protein, protein concentrates and single cell protein.

Protein composition

Proteins are composed of many amino acids.
Amino acids that form proteins can basically be classified into 2 groups, namely the essential amino acids (needed by the body but can not be formed by the body) and nonessential amino acids (needed by the body and can be made by the body when the material is available).

10 Low-Fat Protein Sources

Protein is digested more slowly than fat and simple carbohydrates. Therefore, the protein makes you full longer and keep blood sugar levels more stable. However, many foods rich source of protein instead of fat. Here are some low-fat source of protein that could be your choice.

If you need food fast food packaging, sushi station is the right place for a stopover. Sushi contains protein and fiber are generally low in calories and fat.

Eggs are a source of protein with complete nutritional content of food compared to other protein sources. Boiled egg contains seven grams of protein with only two grams of saturated fat. To avoid saturated fat, use egg whites and discard the yolk. The studies found that people who eat eggs and toast for breakfast can be full longer and consume less calories throughout the day. Eggs do contain some cholesterol. But dozens of studies have shown that saturated fat (not cholesterol from food) that increase blood cholesterol levels.

Select sirloin, most low-fat beef. Three ounces of sirloin contains 196 calories and 10 grams of fat. Limit intake of red meat, at most two drinks per person per week.

Red meat contains saturated fat
A study found that women with type 2 diabetes who eat more red meat increased risk of developing heart disease than patients with diabetes who eat less. Other studies have shown, the more red meat women consumed during the nearly nine years, their risk of type 2 diabetes is also greater.

Avoid bacon and hot dogs
Although red meat seems to increase risk of diabetes, processed meats (like bacon and hot dogs) actually increase the risk even greater.

Pork loin (pork from the back area)
Pork loin is a very low fat meat. Two pieces of pork loin roast (sprinkled with garlic and lemon juice, or chili with garlic) contains only 129 calories, with 16 grams of healthy protein.

Chicken tenderloin
Each tenderloin has a weight of about one and a half to two ounces, making it easier for you to control portions. Two tenderloin is almost equivalent to one three-ounce servings size. Easy tenderloin seasoned and can be used in kebabs or pan-fried with other foods.

Select chicken breast
Low-fat cuts of meat combined with whole-grain bread topped with mustard and spinach is a great option for lunch a healthy low cholesterol. These foods can be an option if you want to eat meat is low in saturated fat. The second option is the ham and roast beef. But, be sure to consume only two pieces of meat in your sandwich.

Young soybean (edamame)
Pea green Delai this young can be a healthy snack. Simply steamed and add a little salt. In addition, you can add soy to the soup or salad. Soy beans contain more protein than beef and usually do not contain trans fats.

Make sure that always provide fresh fish in your refrigerator. That way, you always have the ingredients to make healthy food rich in protein.

Nutrition Expert


Drink plenty of water. According to Lindsey about 85 percent of us are dehydrated, so we need to drink more water. In addition to water, he also added three other types of beverages to be consumed daily, which is a cup of green tea, one serving of coconut water to replace electrolytes, and two servings of juice containing acai, goji berries, or resveratrol (a compound found in red wine .)

Add intake of vitamin B. Lindsey believed that taking vitamin B in liquid (B vitamins in pill form, according to him less effective), you will experience increased energy in three to four days and weight loss in 30 days.

Follow the rebound class. Rebound is a mix of physical exercise basic aerobic movements on a mini trampoline. This exercise is not only a good cardio workout, but also target the leg muscles, which can help dispel toxins from your lymphatic system. With this exercise you can burn up to 700 calories per hour, because this exercise really works perfectly on the legs, buttocks, and your arm.
4 Ways Increase Metabolism

Metabolism is an important factor associated with fat burning and weight management. If the system is your body's metabolism run faster, burning calories and body fat even faster. Ironically, many dieters are looking for a short road to taking diet pills to speed up their metabolism.

Yet without them knowing it, side effects resulting from these drugs can create new problems for their health.Actually there are several safe and natural methods to speed up your metabolism.
For example, as recommended below.Exercising MusclesAmerican Council on Exercise recommends that endurance exercise to manage weight.

Think of your muscles in the body as a machine. The bigger your engine, the more energy you burn. Adding a resistance training program is a method that can naturally enhance your body's metabolism. If your hobby is to go to the gym, practice three days a week.

Train your whole body during each session. Use the basic exercises, like leg press and shoulder press.Drink Lots of WaterInadequate water intake can slow down your metabolism. Water is responsible for various metabolic processes, such as the gastrointestinal tract, spending and regulation of body temperature.
Mayo Clinic recommends to consume 2 liters of water a day. You can also fight hunger and improve metabolism by drinking a glass of water before eating.

To add to the benefits, make sure the water you drink is cold water.Cardiovascular ExerciseCardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging and cycling is an effective way to burn some calories and maintain your body's metabolism.

If you are a beginner, choose low-impact exercise, or other types of low-intensity exercise like brisk walking or cycling relaxed. If the experience has been increasing rapidly, you can switch to jogging or bicycle rally.
CoffeePerhaps no one knows if there is caffeine in coffee can increase metabolism and increase fat oxidation. Drinking a cup of coffee before doing physical exercise can also increase alertness and help fight fatigue.

Create Healthy Diet


Keeping your body healthy in order to stay slim while was not too difficult.All this can be realized only by implementing the right lifestyle. Patty James, a certified chef in Sebastopol, California and also co-author of "More vegetables Please ', tells you how to have a better diet and healthier.

  1. Vegetarian lifestyle. Got a courtyard? Why do not you use to create a vegetable garden. It will be healthy. In addition to gardening activity can help relieve stress, you can also enjoy fresh vegetables from the garden itself. Spend 30 minutes, twice a week for cutting fresh vegetables and serve vegetables at any time.
  2. Intelligent enjoy alcoholic beverages. Celebrating this special day with consumption of alcohol, is fine. But, remember not to overdo it. In addition, avoid drinking alcohol when stomachs were empty. This will react strongly in your stomach and burn vitamin B.
  3. Create a low-calorie cake. Your hobby snacking? Next time if you bake cookies or cake, replace half the butter that you use with apple sauce, pumpkin or prune. Besides low-fat, also contains more nutrients.
  4. Pamper yourself with fruit. Make sure you always provide a stock of seasonal fruits in your refrigerator. Eat every time you feel hungry or when you have a problem with tooth sweets.
  5. Add green beans in the menu. While cooking soup, do not forget to include beans. In addition to delicious, green beans can also provide additional nutrients.
  6. Refresh the day with lemon water. Start your day by eating a glass of fresh lemon water, which comes from 1 / 2 - 1 piece of lemon juice that has been in with the water. In addition to fresh, your liver will love this drink.
  7. Select the best salt. When cooking, use sea salt instead of salt that has been processed, the more you find in grocery stores.
  8. Optimize life with green vegetables. / Create more green vegetables in your life. Some types of the best greens you can choose between, kale, radish spinach, and so forth. Steam the greens for a few minutes, drain and set aside. Saute a few cloves of shallot, garlic and shitake mushrooms in a skillet that has been filled in olive oil for several minutes. Enter the kale, stir again and serve.
  9. Tuck the day vegetarian agenda. On at least choose one day a week as meat-free day.
  10. Eating raw vegetables. Like with vegetables? From now on you get used to eating raw vegetables every day. Raw vegetables contain enzymes that are essential for the body, which if processed and cooked it has a function to be lost.
  11. Do it yourself. Make your own vinaigrette (fresh sour sauce nodes) for your fresh vegetable salad. How, provide Olive or flax oil, lemon juice or vinegar, a little Dijon mustard, 1 clove minced garlic and a little salt and pepper.
  12. Add color to your diet. Different colors, the different foods that contain nutrients. Therefore, eat a variety of foods with different kinds of colors. For example, red peppers, carrots, green kale, etc.
  13. Vary your diet. If you eat burgers these days, then you should not eat the same food (burgers) for 4 days. Look for other meal replacement.
  14. Plan ahead. Take your time, when you're off work to compile a list of foods will you eat for one week.

Basic Healthy Diet


Have you ever experienced the condition of the body so thin and not fresh after a diet program? Or vice versa, rather than lean body stretched and added even fertile? Want to slim and healthy really even a problem.

For matters of diet is important to continue to eat nutritious foods and must not cut the amount of food that enters the body.
Because, this means you also cut the amount of essential nutrients needed by the body.

Starting a diet program there are actually requirements and rules as well. Well, that diet does not turn into disaster for your body,
consider the following conditions!

Term 1: Do not get rid of certain food groups.
Many people go on a diet 'fad' by removing certain food groups that are considered enemies of the diet. Yet when running a program of diet, our bodies need a balance of nutrients that enter the body and nutrients to keep our bodies stay healthy.
Our bodies need water, vitamins, carbohydrates, less fat, minerals, fiber and oxygen. Enrich your diet with lots of vegetables and fruit, this will help the body build immune system.

Term 2: Consider the adequacy of body protein.
The body requires 30 grams of protein a day. Meat, milk and dairy products have very high protein content. Fruits and certain vegetables also contain protein but in small amounts. Legumes, whole grains, and nuts can help you meet the requirement of protein needed by your body.

Term 3: Do not remove all fat
Our body requires 50 grams of fat per day. Not all fats are bad, so you do not need to be hostile to him. Fat will remain slick and keep the muscles strong. You can choose fats 'good' is obtained from nuts, olive oil or advokad.

Term 4: Eat only when hungry.
We could restrict the food intake into the body. But sometimes the body difficult to be invited to a compromise. So it is recommended that you eat only when hungry, and then the next hour you may snacking on fruit and vegetables.

The fruit which helps diet programs

The fruit which helps diet programs
Almost all fruits contain fiber, water and nutrients that can make you feel full. No wonder the fruit is recommended as the most potent foods to help you lose weight. But among the many fruits, there are some fruits that are considered to have a super power that can help accelerate your weight loss program. Types of fruits are;
Studies show that grapefruit contains acidic compounds which can inhibit absorption of fat calories contained in food.
Compared to other fruits, citrus contains the highest fiber. Fiber is found in orange are water-soluble fiber that can reduce one's desire to consume carbohydrates.

A study shows that people who eat an apple before eating, his weight will drop to 33% compared with people who do not eat apples before meals.

Raspberry, blackberry, blueberries and strawberries are the richest food sources containing antioxidants that can boost your metabolism.  

Fruit is 92% composed of this water can quickly activate the receptors in the stomach to send signals satiety to the brain.
Content of antioxidant, in addition to preventing blood sugar into fat in the abdomen. Wine may also prevent the formation of fat in the abdomen.

Juice or Not juice


The Diet Solution Program
I’m pretty used to people coming to my home and saying “Wow, this place is so super healthy. I can’t believe it.”
As you may or may not know, it does take quite a few people to keep the Diet Solution Program running. I had a bit of a “retreat” at my house where I invited 3 of our employees to come and work from my house and spend some time together.
Whenever entertaining guests, I always try and be the “hostess with the mostess” and in my best Martha Stewart impression I asked “Can I get anyone anything? Some food or a drink?”
One of my employees replied, “Yes, I would love some juice please.”
As I did everything in my power to hold back the look of death, I said “We don’t have any juice.
How about water or a tea?”Without going through the entire conversation, this particular employee couldn’t believe there was no juice in the house.
Moreover, she absolutely could not believe that my son does not drink juice and only drinks water (and yes, I did let her keep her job).
She has, of course, read and knows the DSP inside and out, but she admitted that she really didn’t believe that I completely lived my life that way until she saw it with her very own eyes.
But back to the juice…
Juice is one of those drinks that many people perceive as healthy, especially when it’s labeled natural or organic and it says it is made from all natural ingredients.
Let me clear this up right now…Juice is NOT part of a healthy eating plan unless you are freshly squeezing it right in your kitchen with your own hands or through a juicer.
“But Isabel. My juice says its organic, natural, 100% juice with no sugar added. Is that ok?”
Well, I spent a significant amount of time reading the label of almost every single juice container, juice box, and juice product and they all came up the same…with tons of SUGAR. Read the label clearly and you will see that every gram of carbohydrate contained in the juice directly comes from sugar.
“But Isabel. All the carbs from fruit are from sugar too right?”
Yes, fruits are almost entirely sugar (coming from fructose), but a whole fruit also contains plenty of fiber and vitamins that are lost when you make a juice, bottle it and store it for any amount of time.
“But Isabel. My juice is fortified with calcium, Vit D and iron (or whatever they are fortifying juice with these days).”
When you “fortify” any food or drink with a vitamin and/or a mineral, your body is smart enough to know that this is not the real version of this particular nutrient. So much so, that it will choose not to use it. Yes, all of these fortified products are not giving you the vitamins and minerals you need. You must obtain these from natural sources like real fruits and vegetables (i.e. real food).
So if you’re a juice lover like many people are or have fallen for the “juice is healthy” trap, here are a few strategies to help you get your juice fix while simultaneously following a healthy eating plan.
1. Buy a quality juicer and make your own juice. There are so many different delicious and nutritious juices you can make in a juicer that will give you a super boost of vitamins/minerals and super nutrition. One of my favorite is carrot, apple and ginger.
Be careful though! If you’re anything like me and sensitive to too much sugar at once, I would suggest having a serving of 4 oz or less or mixing your 4 oz with some water.
I would also suggest juicing primarily vegetables and not as many fruits. This is a great way to get in some serious nutrition without having to eat vegetables all day long (a great option for children).
I would also combine your fresh juice with a protein and healthy fat to keep your blood sugar balanced.
It is best to drink freshly made juice right away, as the longer it is stored, the more it will decline in nutrition. You can put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimal amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air (air is about 20 percent oxygen) will “oxidize” and damage the juice. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.
2. Make my favorite “tea juice“. If you haven’t seen this recipe in the Diet Solution Recipe Guide, here it is again:5-6 bags caffeine-free herbal tea (e.g., peach, mint, chamomile, or fruit tea)
3 quarts boiling water
Stevia powder (or liquid) to tastePour water over tea bags in a large pot. Add stevia while tea is hot. (Adjust amount according to the desired sweetness.)
Let the tea cool, remove tea bags, transfer tea to a serving pitcher or individual water bottles, and refrigerate.
3. Make your own DSP approved lemonade. My business partner loves this and drinks it almost daily (be careful if you’re sensitive to citrus or too much lemon.) Mix the juice from half a lemon, 5 drops of liquid stevia and 12oz of water in a large cup. Add more stevia or lemon based on your taste. This drink is a great alternative to people who need a bit more flavor than plain water all day.
So what did I end up serving my thirsty employee? Water! (And she bought juice when we went out to lunch). Oh well, I tried.
So now that I’ve shown you why juice is not good for you and how you can make your own healthy drink alternatives, why not learn more about which foods will cause you to lose fat?

3 Rules Dieting


Not just eat fruits, vegetables, or meat without fat, which can affect our weight. The researchers or nutritionist to find that the way we eat can also affect a large impact on waist circumference. Try to remember, what we often ate while standing at the kitchen table? Or often enjoy a light meal in front of the TV? Or immediately feel hungry when we smell something that smelled delicious?
Three recent studies show that a little awareness may help us lose weight.

Sit down and enjoy yourself. Style of eating while standing or while sitting fact contribute a lot on how much food we / create. In an experiment, the psychologists from Canada provide the same amount of food to people, whether they sit at a desk or standing at the kitchen table. The researchers found that participants who ate while standing, 30 percent ate more than those who sit. According to Patricia Pliner, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga and lead author of the study, one reason may be because of eating while standing makes felt more like a snack food. He also warned not to eat the road. Because, when we eat on the street it will feel like not eating, so that makes us consider to eat again.

Inhaling, but not enjoy. Scientists at Yale University School of Medicine recently found that rather than taste, aroma more food can trigger different brain areas. Of course, it can cause big problems for people who once had easy weight loss. Aroma activate circuitry designed to make us look for food, which can trigger a psychological desire to eat, said Dana Small, PhD, a professor at Yale who conducted the study. In his research he discovered that the smell of food can put someone into a state of anxiety, such as the passionate wish to eat chocolate. Therefore, we need to realize the power of our noses. "We can reduce the sense of affected towards the tempting aroma of food - in the brain by repeatedly ignored," said Dana.

Conscious Eating. A study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that the intake of calories a person can swell to 71 percent when they ate in front of the television. Brian Wansink, PhD, a professor at Cornell University and author of Mindless Eating, explaining that munch while watching TV or even reading can be a bad idea for two reasons. First, we tend not to notice how much food or snack bags that have been in the eating. Second, we often do not stop eating until the end of the event, regardless of whether the stomach is full. If We are accustomed to eating during the show's favorite snack, choose snacks low in calories but rich in fiber, such as grapes instead of calorie-dense foods such as ice cream or chips. And do not ever bring or put the entire packaged food on the couch, where we sit. Simply take a handful or put in small bowl.If the 3 rules that we can carry out the ideal weight and healthy successful we get.
 My Favorite Eat Nut Butters

Here are some of my favorite ways to use different nut butters…

  1. Almond Butter with apple sauce with cinnamon sprinkled on top – a great after dinner snack if you’re looking for something sweet.
  2. Almond or Walnut Butter on pretty much any fruit. My new favorite is almond butter on fresh figs…yummy!
  3. Nut Butter and Apple Butter Sandwich – one of my favorite on-the-go breakfast options. I use 1-2 tbsp of nut butter and 1 tbsp of apple butter on 2 slices of sprouted grain bread and out the door I go.
  4. Cashew Butter on celery sticks – add a few raisins for a little sweet taste.
  5. Walnut Butter in oatmeal – I mix the walnut butter right into my warm oatmeal. Sometimes I add 1 tsp of honey as well.

    All of these options are a great way to get a ton of healthy fats, especially Omega 3’s, into your daily meal plans.

Truth about CORN


There’s nothing like a good piece of corn on the cob at your summer barbeque or your buttered popcorn to go along with your favorite movie, right? Or wrong?

This question seems to be coming up more and more often…

Isabel, are corn and foods made from corn allowable on The DSP?

Well, the answer is yes, BUT there are a few details you need to know first (you didn’t think I was just going to leave it at that, did you?)

It’s been approximated that about 60% of the corn, now in the U.S., is genetically modified (although, I do think this number is higher now). The practice of genetically modifying corn began in an attempt to make corn crops resistant to certain pesticides. This helps the farmer because they are then able to grow a larger crop because it is easier to fight off pests (they can spray the crops with pesticides and get rid of insects without damaging their crop).

Sweet corn has also been genetically modified (now called Bt-corn) so that it produces a poison which kills harmful insects. This means the farmer no longer needs to fight insects with insecticides.

Now although some of these may sound like a good thing (especially if you’re a farmer!), we need to consider how GMO foods respond in our bodies and what kind of long term effects they can have on our health.

Well, because the introduction of GMO foods is still relatively new, we’re in a way being used as “guinea pigs” in a massive experiment (Yikes!). In April 2007, Arpad Pusztai, from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK, announced that experiments had shown intestinal changes in rats caused by eating genetically engineered potatoes (and I don’t know about you, but I’m not happy about anybody trying to mess with my intestines).

This actually doesn’t surprise me. It’s amazing to me how many more people now complain of things like irritable bowel syndrome and other nagging digestive problems. I’m not saying that eating GMO foods is the only cause for these conditions but I’m sure it’s a significant contributor (along with processed foods, but that’s a story for a different day).

Ok, so what if you’re able to get non-GMO corn? (Which it is difficult to know which brands and items are GMO and which are not) where does corn fit into your DSP meal plan?

First, your body reads corn as a grain, NOT a vegetable so if you are to include it into your meals, this will be the grain (carbohydrate) for your meal. So having corn and brown rice would be having 2 grains in one meal. This is not necessarily off limits and not “bad” in any way, just consider if you are someone who is sensitive to grains, you will lose weight faster by greatly reducing the number of grains you eat each day. You may want to take 2 – 3 weeks and follow the “no grain” meal plans in the Diet Solution manual and see if that helps break through any weight loss plateaus and/or helps your digestion.

What about microwave popcorn?

Well even the organic varieties contain preservatives (of course to keep them in the bag) and have been shown to contain the same chemical coating in the bag that is used on non-stick cookware (double YIKES!). I would stay away from this stuff.

How about air popped popcorn?

This is your best bet and can definitely be used as an occasional snack. But notice I said “occasional”. Remember most people lose weight faster by decreasing (not necessarily eliminating) many grains. Snacking on popcorn every day could and most likely will, impede your weight loss efforts.

I hope this information helps you to make a more informed decision at your next barbeque and at your next movie night. Remember, corn is not off limits by any means, just remember you’re looking for the non-GMO varieties and including it as a grain and not a vegetable into your meal plans.

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Ideal Body Posture


Posture will be formed according to the way you treat your body, whether it be in a state of sitting, standing, walking, or sleeping. Determining the proper posture is very important because it will reduce muscle tension and muscle in the body due to a bent posture.
Improving posture is used to bend not only improve the quality of your appearance, but also good for health. For example, preventing stiff muscles or twisted veins that will reduce the risk of arthritis or arthritis and also reduce the workload of the bone.

To avoid a wrong posture, familiarize you treat your body like this:

  1. While standing, pull your shoulders back and straighten your head. Do not bend or puckered shoulder.
  2. Join a yoga class. Some positions or movements of yoga will improve flexibility and increase muscle strength and body position.
  3. Sit up straight without leaning. Pull the shoulders back, straighten your back, and place the position of your butt on the corner seat. Place the feet touching the floor with the heel to form a 90 degree curve.
  4. Adjust the position or the curve of your back during sleep. Use a mattress, do not use cotton mattress that will make your spine arched backwards.
  5. Do not bend the waist when lifting heavy goods.
  6. Keep the activity. Do not engage in activities that cause back pain. The weight that is lost too extreme can also cause brittle bones. Consumption of food calcium and vitamin D for bones to absorb calcium to the fullest.

Tips and warnings:

  • Change your sitting position every 30 minutes. Do not sit in the same position for hours. Walk around
  •  long enough to avoid leg cramps.
  • Adjust your seat position so that the knees higher than hips.
  • Sleep using a curved mat will cause stiff and tense in the neck and whiplash.
  • Sit in a chair in a curve will make back pain

4 Ways Increase Metabolism

fatloss burning

 Metabolism is an important factor associated with fat burning and weight management. If the system is your body's metabolism run faster, burning calories and body fat even faster. Ironically, many dieters are looking for a short road to taking diet pills to speed up their metabolism. Yet without them knowing it, side effects resulting from these drugs can create new problems for their health.Actually there are several safe and natural methods to speed up your metabolism. For example, as recommended below.
Exercising MusclesAmerican Council on Exercise recommends that endurance exercise to manage weight. Think of your muscles in the body as a machine. The bigger your engine, the more energy you burn. Adding a resistance training program is a method that can naturally enhance your body's metabolism. If your hobby is to go to the gym, practice three days a week. Train your whole body during each session. Use the basic exercises, like leg press and shoulder press.
Drink Lots of WaterInadequate water intake can slow down your metabolism. Water is responsible for various metabolic processes, such as the gastrointestinal tract, spending and regulation of body temperature. Mayo Clinic recommends to consume 2 liters of water a day. You can also fight hunger and improve metabolism by drinking a glass of water before eating. To add to the benefits, make sure the water you drink is cold water.
 Cardiovascular ExerciseCardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging and cycling is an effective way to burn some calories and maintain your body's metabolism. If you are a beginner, choose low-impact exercise, or other types of low-intensity exercise like brisk walking or cycling relaxed. If the experience has been increasing rapidly, you can switch to jogging or bicycle rally.

CoffeePerhaps no one knows if there is caffeine in coffee can increase metabolism and increase fat oxidation. Drinking a cup of coffee before doing physical exercise can also increase alertness and help fight fatigue.

Ideal body weight



Later when the street crowd in the center more frequently stacked eye on the figure of fat-bodied men and women. Is it a sign of this country more prosperous (because the fat is identical to human excess nutrients if you do not want to be called mostly eating)? Perhaps, but certainly it would make a sad symptom of medical experts. They are worried about the increasing number of roaming the streets because of the fat body fat close to the disease

Reluctance to exercise and penchant for eating foods rich in calories and fat has been blamed as the culprit of the emergence phenomenon, but to be honest they are incorporated in the "chubby group" was definitely prefer him slimmer than being overweight. If conducted a survey on the criteria of body weight (BW), ideal for instance, can be sure that they had in mind is like a slender body  mannequin. " Among them, perhaps even to own one obsessed man or a woman's body like their idol.

Various ways they do to get it. Seeing this obsession is so big, slimming centers and fitness centers were thriving. By offering weight loss programs, plus a promise to form a body like their idol. The price offered for the program should not be asked, are often exorbitant.! But enthusiasts like've lost common sense, they do not care to spend a lot of pockets. They also do not care if I made safe for health and do not interfere with daily activities.

In short, many of them feel no longer have their own version of the ideal body. they seem to forget, when you get older your body shape is changing. No longer a case of when I was young, fuller body. Indeed, with increasing age, muscle mass decreases and is replaced by fat. But was it a change and age no longer makes them ideal body ..?

By not get stuck in the wrong view, the medical expert making the definition of the BB "ideal" associated with disease risk. According to them BB "ideal" is not just a slim body like a celebrity who often appears on the screen televisions. But a healthy body has enough energy to perform daily activities.
For that body must have fat still needed for various purposes, it's just that the numbers do not overdo it.
With a body like the above criteria, guaranteed to keep your body can look cool with a healthy bonus.! Now, to determine how much weight the healthy away from degenerative diseases, National Institutes of Health, the U.S. made a benchmark by entering the following three factors:
1. Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Waist circumference
3. Personal and family medical history

In the past people thought that the ideal is to BB BB - 110 cm, but according to experts with calculations like this can not be predicted degenerative disorder that can occur, they were later introduced a calculation called body mass index or in short as the IMT.
By knowing the BMI can be estimated how much body mass, including fat, can also be in the know about the health risks  want to know your BMI, simply live to take paper and pencil and calculator, and follow the method below.


BMI = weight (kg) / TB2 (m)
TB = Height
BB = Weight Loss
BMI is plainly defined by the WHO as an international standard to determine the BB "ideal" calculation is intended for all adults both men and women, except for athletes.
The following BMI Classification
Classification of BMI for Asians
Weight MT
Less (skinny) <18.5
Normal / ideal 18.5 to 22.9
More (fat) from 23 to 29.9
Obesity (overweight),> 30

If the BMI is in the range of 18.5 to 22.9, you enter in the category of ideal body weight / normal healthy small risk of disease due to obesity. BMI figures that the farther from the ideal / normal. Health risks that lurk higher, these risks are not necessarily but usually come in the future. So when the BMI number is on the "ideal / normal" let alone the range of obesity, please do not delay doing weight loss programs that have an impact reducing the risk of diabetes.

Fatloss Burning

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