Fighting Obesity Vegetables


IF you include people who are not anti-vegetable, be grateful! Various studies prove that vegetables contain potent compounds that can increase endurance, protects you from disease and 'fight' obesity. Furthermore, phytochemicals, substances found only in vegetables and fruits, powerful lower the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Habits of eating vegetables does not come naturally to everyone. The original flavor of vegetables is not as good as meat, "If not
cooked with a delicious seasoning or sauce, the taste of vegetables is less tempting. In addition, many people who do not like to eat vegetables because it is not accustomed to childhood." Most children who do not like to eat vegetable is the mother worked or not painstaking 'serve' her child, "even only 20% of children who ate fruits and vegetables in sufficient portion of each day. And 25% of the type of vegetables are eaten by them are french fries If you include people who lazy or even less likely to eat vegetables, maybe a little trick can help you to meet the needs of the intake of vegetables each day. Nothing wrong, right, try!

Find what you like
Luckily we live in a tropical country that is rich in various plants. Yes, you can easily find the type of vegetables are preferred. To get it you need to arouse curiosity and your adventurous spirit. And most important is the willingness to experiment. Included will be experimenting processing methods. Because vegetables are processed by boiling, pan-fried, cooked in a microwave or eaten raw will give a different taste and texture. How to cultivate the right equipment must be considered. For example, the vegetables should be
cooked in quick time, as you often see in Chinese food restaurants. "If cooked quickly, the color will remain green vegetables. Moreover, if too long, contain vitamins and minerals will be reduced

You can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, like lettuce, tomatoes, beets, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. Besides vegetables.

Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?
There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the energy, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange for all these processes occur must have vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances that can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the number was only a little.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. Besides low calories and low in fat, fiber in vegetables can satiate the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating defecation.

Serve with a draw
How interesting presentation and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume a raw vegetable or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. With cut into smaller sizes or mixed with other foodstuffs, vegetables will be more nice views. Moreover, when eating soup,
you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you do not have to look straight vegetable because the dough is wrapped closed.

Allow plus fruit
A lot of nutrition in the vegetables was also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can become a sizable business. But because the number of fibers lost in processing juice, it is not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, pay attention
to the variations in type and color of the fruit that you eat. Each type and color has its own advantages

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